We do live in a very unusual time at the moment, one unusual phenomena is that one certain precious metal continues to be in global deficit and that metal is Silver. In fact it has many in the Silver community including some geologists claiming that Silver may go extinct in the future.
Now, this claim does not mean no Silver whatsoever, it refers to the amount of Silver being mined declining over time to the point where Silver is so rare.
In other words, the global supply of Silver being mined is decreasing dramatically in comparison to Gold and other metals, yet the demand for Silver is higher than Gold.
For those wondering Silver is used in many industries, ranging from jewelry, technology computer chips, batteries, solar panels, nuclear power facilities, weaponry military demand ( such as some bullets and bombs ) and more. Many of these use cases essential to the modern way of life.
Some claim that we could replace Silver with something else, however it is not that simple, why, because Silver is unique in that it is a conductive metal that does not get hot making it a very important metal for the world we all live in today, in particular for heat sensitive technology.

By many around the world Silver is seen as Sound Money.
So, What Would Happen if Silver Goes Extinct?
Yeah, good question, it is very likely the good old days of $30 dollars silver will be gone and realistically we could expect a much higher price. What would be that price, well the sky is the limit if Silver got the point where global demand far exceeded supply.
Just for speculation though, Silver could be one of those assets where at some point in the future a ounce could be worth more than Gold. This is just speculation of course and many would sell a lot of there Silver before that price or time, however as many economists would agree, when you have a high demand asset like Silver being a hard to get asset ( through mining or the market ) then it would be up to the long holders ( people that do not sell ) of it to decide the price. Similar in a way to fine art or a beautiful mansion in a prime location.
When people find it hard or near impossible to get an asset which they want to won, the value often rises much higher than people expect.
Let me know what you think? What will the reducing supply of Silver do to the value of Silver over time when many industries are reliant on it.
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