how to make housing affordable in australia

How to Make Housing in Australia Affordable

An easy solution to making housing affordable in Australia is to make every process of building affordable rentals or affordable housing tax free, when I say every part tax free, I mean all, ranging from regulation taxes to council taxes, to capital gain taxes, to any other form of government tax. At the same time remove regulations stopping apartments from … Read more

gold bars and coins are a good store of value

What is a Store of Value?

A store of value is any asset, commodity, or currency that retains its worth over time. In summary, it is an asset that maintains its purchasing power, allowing individuals to preserve wealth into the future. Here’s a deeper understanding of this meaning: Preservation of Purchasing Power: The primary function of a store of value asset is to preserve the purchasing … Read more

history of gold

History of Gold

The history of gold is an exciting story spanning thousands of years, effecting many cultures and many people around the globe. From common folk, to the middle class, to the ultra or super wealthy, Gold is super alluring and commonly seen as valuable to everyone. Overview of some of Golds past until now: While some uses of Gold has changed … Read more

house property costs

The Scary Real Costs of a House in Australia

Owning a house in Australia comes with various costs beyond the initial purchase price. Much more than what is commonly sold to us, in fact in many cases house ownership is the worst investment anyone in Australia can make. Some of the many common expenses associated with homeownership in Australia: In Summary – A House is not an Investment In … Read more

market moves

What Goes Up Must Come Down, Right?

You may have heard the saying before I am sure that when a market is strong that logically it must come down once that market gets overvalued, however is this true? The truth is this saying is not true in many ways, Assets over time have a tendency to rise, why, because what they are valued in is debasing. Yes … Read more

understanding trading

Understanding Trading for Beginners

If you are new to trading then this page is for you, at first trading can seem daunting with challenges of know where exactly to start. So to begin let’s start with the basic understanding of what exactly is trading. Trading the exchange of the value of one financial product for another. This could be either Currency Trading, Stock Trading, … Read more