A Look Inside the Bank of England’s Gold Vaults

In the video above Indris is taken on a guided tour of the Bank of England’s Gold Vault, an impressive Vault holding around an impressive 400,000 bars of Gold worth around 250 billion British pounds at the time of this articles publication.

Gold in my opinion is a very important asset for holding in a personal portfolio, not only for its strong store of value properties, a way of offsetting inflation, but because it has historically had low downside risk. This is because most central banks around the world agree that it is a needed asset to hold to reduce currency risk. Basically a hedge against currency destabilization.

Should people have Gold in there personal portfolio? Yes, however this is my personal opinion, you have to make that decision for yourself about Gold. In my opinion having a 5% allocation to Gold or a bit more is a smart allocation to this important asset.

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