You Cannot Own Land ( or a House ) in Australia

I know, bold title, however very unfortunately true, Australia is a great country, I love it, I am a proud Australian, however one of the things that infuriates me is that you cannot own land in this country.

I know, I know, it seems like you can, you can buy a house, sell a house, buy a property blah, blah, blah, however do you truly own it is the question. In my opinion, a big no. The reason being is that have little to no property rights in Australia, it almost makes me wonder why anyone even wants to buy property it all.

Let’s look at some examples, let’s say you buy a nice property, you intend to build eventually however decide to wait and live in a temporary house on your so called property, well you may need permission in Australia, why, good question, maybe because you do not even own it.

Because the building of housing is so controlled in Australia in particular in suburban areas nearly all new houses are the similar in build, why, because government and council has regulated the construction of housing so much to the point that building anything new requires going through all sorts of hoops and paperwork.

Same goes for many proposed changes to your property, without permission by council you cannot do it. You maybe told no to building full stop any house, no to building a double story building or no to triple story building or no to a shed or no to certain color paint or no to certain types of walls or no to certain types of fences or no to certain types of gates, why because you do not have the final say on your property, once again, why, because it is not yours, it is theirs. The truth is that the government owns all the property in Australia and if you buy land or a house in this country you essentially are buying a overpriced rental agreement with them.

Am I wrong about my opinion about? If so, let me know why by commenting below. Thanks for reading.

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